Comment to the Josephine County Commissioners and Grants
Pass City Council, 8-30-12
There are two noxious weeds
that are growing throughout our town: goatheads, AKA puncture vine, tack vine,
bullthorns and caltrops; and star thistle, a thistle that has thorns only on
its flower buds. They are both weeds of
non-residential commercial and public landscapes, because most people don’t
tolerate them where they live, even if they put up with all kinds of other
weeds. In 12 years of professional
gardening, I have seen them at exactly one residence. Working there made me get a flat-free wheelbarrow

Goathead flower
Meanwhile, I have watched
bullheads move onto downtown properties like the three across F Street from the
Growers’ Market parking lot, and star thistle taking over vacant lots and the
underused edges of public properties.
They are mostly weeds of organizations that do not love their neighbours
by obeying our city’s nuisance codes.
Unlike windblown weeds,
these do not travel far or fast.
Goathead seeds spread on bike tires, wheelbarrows, and riding mowers;
high speed travel apparently crushes them, and few people or dogs carry them
far on their feet. One would think that
star thistle would spread on the wind, like other thistles, but they don’t. They cling to the plant and are picked up on
clothing and spread by mowers as well.

goathead seeds
This year, I am getting a
lot of practice killing these two weeds on the City’s Water Reclamation Plant
property at the end of Greenwood, in preparation for the dog park that the
City, at my suggestion, wants to build east of the walking path to the Reinhart
Volunteer Park. I spend about 20 minutes
a day on the task, before and while I walk my dog. The ground is very dry and hard, and they
don’t pull, my normal weeding method, so I have been cutting them under the
crown, which appears to work well.

Star Thistle:
Annual weeds like goatheads
and star thistle build up food in their roots until they flower, and then move
that energy into their crowns and tops as they flower and seed. Cutting to two inches high, the height at
which most people mow and whack weeds, only slows down flowering above mower
height, and doesn’t touch flowers below that point. The tall ones like star thistle grow right
back above it; the crawlers like goatheads are not affected, except that mowers
spread their seed. Cutting annuals below
the crown takes out the source of flowers, and the roots cannot recover.

Young star thistle (
Whacking either weed all the
way to the ground can take out most of the crowns, but spreads any ripe goathead
seeds. Pruning scissors are more
effective; allow one to pick up the ripe goatheads; and may even be faster,
though one has to stoop to do the work, because it takes a lot of whacking to
kill a crown or cut below it. Star
thistles have tough stems, but their crowns are often 2 inches or more off the
ground, and are readily cut even with dull scissors, which they will be after
much cutting in the dirt.
Brown, Natural Gardener 541-955-9040
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